22 - 23 October, 2024
Address Sky View Hotel, Dubai, UAE
Accredited by Department of Health (DOH) for 14.15 CME Hours

Excellence in

Excellence in
Research and

in Clinical

in Quality

Excellence in
Point of Care

Dr. Carlo Kaabar - Conference Chairman
Welcome Message
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Scientific and the Organizing committees, it gives us immense pleasure to invite you to the “LIFE – Laboratory Insights for Excellence, 2024” to be held on 22ND-23RD OCTOBER, 2024 IN ADDRESS SKY VIEW HOTEL, DUBAI, UAE.
This conference promises to be an exceptional gathering of brilliant minds, dedicated professionals, and esteemed experts in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine. Our goal is to create an inspiring platform where knowledge, innovation, and collaboration converge.
Don't miss your place in the conference! Get registered today!

Who Should Attend?
The conference welcomes the following individuals:
- Pathologists
- Laboratory Scientists and Technologists
- Physicians, clinicians, nurses, and other healthcare providers who work closely with pathologists and laboratory professionals in the diagnosis and management of patients.
- Laboratory directors, laboratory managers and Lab supervisors
- Quality assurance personnel
- Fellows, residents and trainees pursuing careers in pathology and laboratory medicine.
- Policy Makers and Regulators involved in healthcare policy, regulation, and accreditation bodies responsible for setting standards and guidelines in pathology and laboratory medicine and other healthcare professionals interested in laboratory medicine.